The Collegian
Sunday, March 09, 2025

Stephanie Rice

How do we get our hot water, heating and air conditioning?

The university's Steam Plant, also referred to as the power plant, operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year so the university community has enough steam to generate hot water, heat and air conditioning in all of the buildings on campus. I spoke with George Souleret, university engineer, and took a tour of the steam plant to see what the facilities workers do to take care of the plant.

Azerbaijani court rejects Hajizada's most recent appeal

Adnan Hajizada, Azerbaijani activist and University of Richmond alumnus, lost his most recent appeal on Wednesday, causing his supporters to continue to criticize the government. Hajizada, Richmond College '05, is serving two years in prison for hooliganism and causing bodily harm along with fellow activist Emin Milli, who is serving 2.5 years.


Well, University of Richmond, it's time. On March 25, which is the date of the next Collegian issue because of spring break, The Collegian will have its next news editor, and I will hand over the reigns.

Campus Secrets: Things you want to know but never ask about

There seem to be several places and things on campus that no one knows about. We see them every day and ask the person with whom we're walking to D-Hall (or ourselves), "What is that?" or "Who does that belong to?" or "I wonder whether we have any buildings built over an old swimming pool?" The first place on campus that comes to mind is the fenced-off area next to Lora Robins Court.

Can I live on campus forever?

Oddly enough, you can. If you are a student, alumnus, faculty or staff member, trustee or immediate family member of any of those people, you can choose to have your body rest eternally in the University of Richmond's Columbarium and Memorial Garden. A Columbarium is a burial vault for human ash remains and is derived from a Latin word meaning "a place where doves nest." The Columbarium to the left of the Cannon Memorial Chapel has 2,884 niches that can each hold two urns.

What is that room on the side of the library?

Disclaimer: I am president of a campus ministry that is funded by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board, which is a partner organization with the Virginia Baptist Historical Society. You walk by it every day if you have a class on the Richmond College side of campus.

Alex Lebenstein, 1927-2010

Alex Lebenstein was a Holocaust survivor who had more than enough reasons to hate, but was instead an advocate for tolerance and forgiveness.

What does MLK Day mean to me?

"Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." I read that quote while doing some research on Martin Luther King Jr., and immediately asked myself whether the University of Richmond was meeting the goal of true education.

Appeal date set for Hajizada

Adnan Hajizada's father is uncertain but hopeful that his son will be released from prison after an appeal is heard in the Baku court of appeals on Dec.

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