The Collegian
Saturday, March 08, 2025

Kylie McKenna

Kevin Bales presents "Unlocking the Science of Slavery"

Modern-day slavery expert Kevin Bales told a group of University of Richmond community members that by unlocking the science of slavery, they too can be heroes, nerds and abolitionists. Bales, co-founder of Free the Slaves, a nonprofit organization dedicated to abolishing slavery worldwide, shared science, stories and laughs with a full room of spectators in Weinstein Hall, Brown-Alley Room last night. A new scientific view of global slavery has opened up new progression within the modern day anti-slavery movement, Bales said. "We're at the beginning of the end of the fourth great anti-slavery movement," he said.

Government shutdown should not affect Richmond's funding

At most, the government shutdown is an inconvenience for research grants, but University of Richmond is not anticipating any disruption in terms of federal funding, said David Hale, vice president for business and finance. The university was granted about $2 million in the 2013 fiscal year, Hale said, and the payment process of those grants is expected to continue.

Lost bikes to be sold in January if not claimed earlier

The University of Richmond police department is searching for the owners of 18 abandoned bicycles and other unclaimed personal property before the items are turned over to Green UR for public sale early next semester. The police department has been collecting this batch of abandoned property for about six months, Police Lieutenant Eric Beatty said.

Student advocates fresh produce delivery on campus

Imagine a box of fresh local produce gets delivered to your apartment doorstep. Does it get devoured as a welcome alternative to campus options or rot alongside last night's leftovers from The Cellar? Last week, residents of the 1500, 1600 and 1700 blocks of the University Forest Apartments received a knock at the door, not to find a box of produce, but rather a fellow student advocating fresh food delivery. Celeste Reppond, a University of Richmond senior, considers herself on a journey of health, she said.

Over-worked finance interns cause concern

The death of an investment-banking intern at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London this summer has sparked debate on the work-life balance of financial interns after many websites linked the intern's long work hours as a probable factor in his untimely death. Moritz Erhardt, a 21-year-old intern from Germany, had reportedly worked three subsequent all-nighters before he collapsed at his London student-housing complex on Aug.

Former Richmond student's preliminary murder hearing set for June 21

A former University of Richmond student accused of killing a companion with a hatchet was held without bond in Montgomery Court on Tuesday, May 28. Claude Alexander Allen III, known as Alex, was a junior at Richmond when he withdrew in October 2012, said Brian Eckert, director of Richmond media relations. Rising-senior Ryan Leddy said he had been shocked when he heard about the accusations. "I spent the first couple of days not really believing it," Leddy said.

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