By Jessica Racioppi
April 10, 2013
On Tuesday, March 26, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) asked people to change their Facebook profile pictures to a pink-on-red equal sign avatar to show support for marriage equality as the Supreme Court met to decide the future of same-sex marriage in the United States.
In accordance to the Supreme Court hearings on Proposition 8, California's ban on same-sex marriage, approximately 2.7 million people changed their profile photos, according to data analysis published by Eytan Bakshy, a researcher on the Facebook Data Science Team.
The following day, the court heard arguments on the related question of whether the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which denies federal benefits to married same-sex couples, should be overturned.
Many University of Richmond students changed their profile pictures to show support, including junior Lee Oberg.