The Collegian
Sunday, March 09, 2025

Erin Moyer

Spanish turmoil hits close to home for international students

As Leon Herrera studies at the University of Richmond, his friends and family in Madrid are haunted by Spain's economic and political unrest. Herrera, a sixth-year student, is one of 20 Spanish students at Richmond this semester, said Sara Jaax, international education manager of internal communication and events. "I feel kind of outside, or alienated, from all the turmoil," Herrera said.

Library study rooms now available through online registation

Boatwright Memorial Library staff established an online reservation system this semester for group and individual-study rooms. Students can now reserve a study room one week in advance for a maximum of two hours each day, said Lucretia McCulley, library director of outreach services.

Richmond community unites in effort to 'Save Our Sports'

After the Save Our Sports forum, President Edward Ayers said the Board of Trustees' decision to eliminate men's soccer and track and field programs was final and would not be discussed further. The meeting was held on Sunday at Ukrop Auditorium in Queally Hall for those in opposition of the decision to voice their opinions and to discuss potential alternatives.

Equestrian team sets the bar high for the season

With the addition of 14 new riders this year, the women of the University of Richmond equestrian team are determined to qualify for the regional, zone and national championships in the spring. The 20-person roster is one of the largest that the team has seen since it formed 10 years ago at the university, said senior Caroline Elia, president of the equestrian team. "Last year, we moved from 10th place in the region to 6th place," Elia said.

Former assistant police chief Norton loses battle with cancer

Howard "Buddy" Norton Jr., former assistant chief of police at the University of Richmond, died Tuesday after his battle with brain cancer. Norton served the university from 1983 until he resigned at the beginning of this summer, said David McCoy, campus police chief. "He really showed that he was fighting it [cancer] and fighting it hard," said Joseph Boehman, dean of Richmond College.

RC Freshman featured in commercial during Olympics

As freshman Tim Gruber opened his acceptance letter to the University of Richmond in December, he never imagined that he would share that moment with the nation during the London Olympics. The video of Gruber, 18, tearing open the letter, leaping in the air and screaming "boo-yah" first appeared on YouTube after his father, Chris Gruber, who served as the director of admissions at Richmond from 1985 to 2005, secretly recorded his celebration, he said. "It was my college counselor's idea to put it on YouTube," Gruber said.

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