The Collegian
Friday, October 18, 2024

Darius Rasheed Nazeri

It's the reality, stupid

The very first paragraph of Mike Padovano's column, "An Obama progress report," reminded me of a simple but amusingly true statement: "Everyone is entitled to their opinion but yours is stupid." Now, it is true our Constitution provides for freedom of speech -- which the government protects -- however, this should not necessitate a political discourse based on awfully-put-together talking points, half-truths and no-truths, fallacious (attempts at) arguments, uncivil behavior, name-calling, fear-mongering and a disrespect for our political processes and leaders. Vis-a-vis the crazy town-hall heckling, gun-wielding, socialism-crying, anti-government alternate-reality birthers and astro-turf activists, there is an even larger crowd of Americans who have different opinions on the role of government and different methods for voicing them. We mortal beings -- we, the reality-based, who witnessed the biggest financial collapse since the Great Depression and sensed the effects of a sluggish economy in the high unemployment numbers, the terrible job market and the lack of capital and credit -- we look at the world and see what takes little effort so long as one has the ability to distinguish fact from fiction, and reality from ideological interpretations of it: We are aware that 14,000 Americans lose their healthcare coverage everyday, that healthcare spending in 2007 was more than $2.2 trillion dollars, yet more than 45 million of us are without healthcare. We mourn the loss of 4,326 men and women in uniform to an unnecessary war in Iraq. We have seen rising costs put higher education out of reach of the great majority of Americans and are troubled by the fact that less than 25 percent of college-age youth are full-time students.

Be Part of History!

On November 4th, we will face a choice for our next president: two patriots running for the highest office in land because they believe that America's better days are yet to come.

A time for change

On Nov. 4, Americans from all walks of life will partake in a sacred civic tradition that began more than 200 years ago with the election of George Washington as the first democratically elected leader of the free world.

The whrraaaat effect?

In 1982, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley was poised to become the first African-American governor in history, leading his rival by 9 points or higher by some estimates.

Obama wins technical knockout

With the third and final Presidential Debate behind us it is clear that while none of the candidates delivered the knockout punch, Barack Obama did emerge as victorious in all of the three debates. According to Gallup, roughly two-thirds of Americans tuned in to watch each of the three debates, with 63 percent for the Sept.

Obama 2, McCain 0

This update includes the USA Today-Gallup poll results. Last night's town hall-style debate was yet another win for the Senator from Illinois, viewers across the country say. According to a post-debate survey, 54% of viewers said Obama showed a better performance, compared to 30% who said that about McCain (CNN/Opinion Research Corp). This despite the fact that McCain has been stronger (in the primary season, he was) in such a setting.

Obama 1, McCain 0

While none of the presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, delivered the KO, the first Presidential Debate did sharpen the contrast between the two and gave Obama an edge on not just the economy, but also foreign policy and national security -- considered by many to be John McCain's strong points. We have yet to see extensive polling on the reaction of likely voters to the debate, however, it was pretty clear that Barack Obama was calm, collected, confident and presidential.

Of pigs and lipstick: a new low in the Presidential politics

John McCain's campaign released a new web ad accusing Democratic Presidential Nominee, Senator Obama, of referring to the Republican VP Nominee, Sarah Palin, when he said: "You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig." What is interesting (and hypocritical?) about this is the fact that John McCain himself used those same exact words -- yes, the very same John McCain who falsely attacked Senator Obama with the "Lipstick" advertisement -- on more than one occasion to refer, among other things, to Sen.

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