The Collegian
Friday, March 14, 2025

Caroline Merritt

Police say on-campus burglaries are avoidable

The two burglaries that occurred in the University Forest Apartments last week could have been avoided, campus police officer Angela Combs said. "Theft is the biggest and most preventable crime we have on the campus," Combs. With the most recent timely warning sent through the university e-mail notifying students of the burglaries, students were reminded to secure their apartments and residence hall rooms when unattended.

Freshman performs musical set at a packed Cellar

Freshman George Washburne played for a packed Cellar Tuesday night. After beginning with an acoustic set, he was then joined by sophomores Ian Atchison on the bass and Andrew Robie on the drums, junior Owen Hutchinson on the back-up guitar, and high school friend Cody Reifsteck on the saxophone. As it turned out, most of the crowd was not witnessing Washburnes' music for the first time.

Student group looks to raise awareness of mental health

Active Minds, a national organization with chapters at hundreds of schools, was one of many featured this week at the Student Organization Fair. "We are a group where people can talk about their mental illnesses or the illnesses of others," said the group's president, Jennifer Johnson, a psychology major at the University of Richmond. She quickly said that a member need not be personally connected with those issues. "We are looking for a diverse membership to bring different perspective to the meetings ....we're always looking to expand our ally base," Johnson said. Active Minds focuses less on curb appeal and more on intimate encounters.

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