The Collegian
Thursday, March 13, 2025



Ayers honors students who used CPR to save woman last semester

A ceremony was held at the University of Richmond's Weinstein Center for Recreation and Wellness last night to honor the people who worked together to save a local woman's life when she collapsed during a Pilates class last semester. Susan Gilmore greeted and hugged each of the 21 people who played a role in her rescue on Sept.


Students change the world with $10,000 each

Two University of Richmond students received $10,000 each from Davis Projects for Peace and launched peace efforts in their home countries of Tanzania and Ethiopia this past summer. The initiative, with an objective to encourage students to design and implement plans to build peace around the world, was established last year.


No oncampus smoking ban, for now

More colleges are implementing campus-wide smoking restrictions across the country, with many becoming smoke-free entirely. But because there has not been any strong desire expressed by students and faculty to make the University of Richmond campus smoke-free, university administrators said no one should count on the school being added to the list of smoke-free schools anytime soon. According to the American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation, more than 70 colleges and universities across the country have implemented smoke-free policies for their campuses as of Oct.


Rising birth control prices squeeze college budgets

At university health centers nationwide, the price of prescription birth control has increased significantly during recent months, with some students now paying three or four times as much for birth control as they were last semester. The price increase is the result of the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which cut back on numerous government spending programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.


Gender and leadership scholar says discrimination still exists

Alice Eagly, a gender and leadership scholar and the department chairwoman of the psychology department at Northwestern University, spoke in the Jepson Alumni Center to a nearly full audience last night. The WILL program and the Jepson School of Leadership Studies brought Eagly to the University of Richmond as part of their Rhetoric and Reality: Race and Gender/Power and Politics speaker series.


Students organize academic journal focusing on gender and sexuality studies

A group of University of Richmond students is working to organize the launch of a publication comprising articles, poetry and art work related to women, gender and sexuality studies that are submitted by Richmond students. The staff of the journal, called "Inquiries," includes a seven-member student editorial board, led by executive editor Jason Tseng, a senior women, gender and sexuality studies major who worked on the staff of McGill University's women's studies journal while studying abroad.


Senior Class working to reach its goal for the class gift

As first semester reaches its end, the senior class is still less than halfway to achieving its goal for the class gift. Seniors have racked up 32 percent participation among its members and raised about $18,000, but the class goal is to garner 70 percent participation and raise $35,000. A committee of more than 30 seniors are working to raise the money.


Second Life provides virtual campus for students to explore

With the Internet seemingly conquered, and significant space travel still a far away dream, a virtual world called Second Life has become the newest frontier, and University of Richmond administrators have purchased an island in Second Life in order to pursue possible conduits for education. Second Life, a virtual world based on the Internet and created in 2003 by Linden Research, Inc., allows people to log on to the Internet and live virtual lives in a rapidly expanding online community. But what makes Second Life so different from Internet conference rooms and live chatting is that users can create avatars that represent themselves in Second Life.


Ayers signs college environmental pact

Ladies and gentlemen, start your hybrids. The student group Richmond Environmental Network for Economic Willpower sponsored the first Environmental Awareness Week on the University of Richmond campus last week, culminating with an open meeting Tuesday afternoon at the forum where university President Edward L.


CDC could relocate to Tyler Haynes Commons, officials say

University of Richmond officials are mulling over the idea of relocating the Career Development Center to a more central location on campus, a move that would afford additional space for student job interviews, other career services and increase accessibility. In a statement released to The Collegian late last night, Brian Eckert, director of the university's media and public relations, said the CDC would remain at its current location at least for the remainder of the academic year, which ran counter to widespread rumors stating that construction in the Tyler Haynes Commons ? where the CDC was to be located ? would begin as early next week. Plans for moving the CDC to the Commons have been discussed but have yet to be approved, the statement said.


Woody Holton honored as finalist for National Book Award

University of Richmond history professor Woody Holton is a finalist for the Nonfiction National Book Award. Holton, who has been a professor at the Richmond since August 2000, spent 12 years writing the book, titled "Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution," but he never imagined it would gain such recognition. According to the National Book Foundation that sponsors this award, it is one given "to writers, from writers." Publishing companies nominate books for the award for one of five categories, which are then voted on by a panel of five judges who have also published works in that category.


Off-campus party ends with 35 cited for drinking

During the early hours of Oct. 21, Henrico Police cited 35 people for unlawful purchase or possession of alcohol at an off-campus party on Center Ridge Drive, where four Richmond College students live. According to police reports, Henrico police officers arrived at the house just before midnight on Oct.