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(10/11/12 3:14am)
I felt my first chill in months Sunday as I walked out the door. Even though I had pulled my hoodie from its dusty corner of my closet, I was still not prepared for the blast of brisk cold. It was a tangible sign that my favorite season was coming. If I didn't know better, I would say these past fews days have been the first signs of winter.
(10/11/12 3:10am)
The Board of Trustees' recent decision to eliminate the men's track and field and soccer programs from the Division I athletic offerings has sent the university community into an emotional whirlwind. As a former track and field and cross country student-athlete, I was not immune to feelings of anger and resentment, but the outpouring of support from across the nation has quickly turned those emotions into action.
(10/11/12 3:04am)
Q: I'm crazy for this girl. I've liked her for three years now, and we've been good friends for a while, but she's had a boyfriend that whole time -- and he's one of my good friends, too. In my fraternity, in fact. A few weeks ago, though, she and my friend finally broke up. She broke up with him and keeps telling me she's completely over it (she's hooked up with other people already), but he's incredibly upset about it. So upset that he hasn't come out for a fraternity event since the beginning of September. So, here's my dilemma: I'm dying to make a move on her, but I don't want my friend to kill me. I'm willing to wait until things have blown over a little bit, but it's our senior year, so it's not like I have all the time in the world. I want to let her know how I feel before we both move on to separate lives after college. What do you think I should do? How do I handle the situation?
(10/10/12 3:11pm)
This weekend, I have a 170-page book, a 50-page chapter and five 13-page articles to read and analyze. After giving myself the day off today on Saturday, (correction: taking my God-given day off), I'll have to skim through all those pages tomorrow. Note the word skim -- and that's what I'll never understand about college: What's with the unrealistic reading expectations?
(10/04/12 4:43am)
I could fill a book with things I really love and appreciate about Richmond -- wonderful classes, faculty who take the time and effort to invest in my education, research opportunities, programs like SSIR or WILL, which have so enhanced my time here, and even the fro-yo in D-Hall.
(10/04/12 4:15am)
We were very disappointed to hear the recent news that the University of Richmond is terminating its men's soccer and track and field programs.
(10/04/12 4:02am)
As a proud Westhampton alumna, I want to give words to those Westhampton women who may feel disheartened by the openness to change demonstrated by many since the changes to Ring Dance have been announced.
(10/04/12 1:04am)
Despite being a nice respite from sweaty lodges and packed apartments, going out in the Fan or downtown Richmond still has its trials, most of which stem from the fact that it's the "real world," outside of the confines of our cozy collegiate playground.
(09/28/12 2:04pm)
There's a disease that's plaguing our generation today. It's killing dreams, self esteem and drive with one blow, and we refuse to stop it. We lie there; limp, as it consumes us, a look of hopelessness in our eyes. It's called Comparing Ourselves To Others.
(09/27/12 6:53am)
As a member of the women's side of the track and field team, the termination of men's track and field hits me deeply. The elimination of the men's soccer program is also very disappointing.
(09/27/12 5:38am)
A recent article in The Collegian by Ben Panko suggests that the new RVA stickers are a "desperate and unnecessary attempt" to fit in. As the owner of a Richmond RVA sticker, which I display with pride on the back of my computer, and a big supporter of RVA Creates and its mission, I have to whole-heartedly disagree.
(09/27/12 5:20am)
As has been widely publicized across campus in the past few days, the men's soccer and track and field programs were terminated as intercollegiate sports at the university.
(09/27/12 5:06am)
As a four-year member of Westhampton College Government Association who served as the junior and senior class president during my time at Richmond, I obviously hold a special place in my heart for Westhampton College and its traditions -- particularly Ring Dance, to which I devoted the better part of my junior year.
(09/27/12 4:53am)
[The following letter was written in response to an email from Jim Miller, the director of athletics, announcing that track and field would be officially cut from Richmond's sports roster.
(09/27/12 4:33am)
Ah, Ring Dance. Currently one of the most hotly debated issues on the Collegian's website and surprisingly, I seem to be the centerpiece of some of the comments. One anonymous contributor writes:
(09/20/12 6:37am)
For all my past rhapsodizing about how great it is to be young and in college, the truth is, our lives aren't exempt from getting stressful. This is a fact, and it's a fact that we have to deal with regularly.
(09/20/12 6:21am)
Q: I've been seeing this guy for a few months, and I want to get more serious. We got together at the end of last year and didn't talk much over the summer, but we're back on now. The problem is that he always wants me to come to his fraternity on the weekend (pretty much refuses to separate from them, in fact), and makes excuses when I want to hang out during the day, sober. He devotes his attention to me entirely when I'm in his element, but refuses to go anywhere I want, ever. Should I leave him, or do you think things can change? Help!
(09/20/12 4:45am)
I did something this semester that I thought I would never do. I became dependent on caffeine.
(09/13/12 5:34am)
Recently, a friend , whom I have known for years and always considered a kind and thoughtful person, posted a picture on Facebook.
(09/13/12 5:15am)
Q: I read your opinion piece in the last Collegian, and I have seen you around campus. I have come to realize that not only are you incredibly attractive and tall, but you are also incredibly smart and clever. Because of these recent discoveries, I have started to form a crush on you.