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(09/04/17 1:52pm)
The national student debt crisis is at an all-time high, and Virginia is no exception to this trend. On Wednesday, Aug. 30, at 3 p.m., Tom Perriello, former U.S. representative and current CEO of the Win Virginia Democratic political action committee; Maggie Thompson, executive director of Generation Progress; and two Democratic student leaders from Virginia universities convened on a press call. The point of the call was to discuss the national student debt crisis in relation to the platforms of Virginia governor candidates: Democrat Ralph Northam and Republican Ed Gillespie. Those on the phone elaborated on both politicians’ stances in regard to funding higher education, with Northam clearly leading in favor as champion for students and families.
(02/03/16 1:20am)
The Alice Haynes room was packed. Students gathered to participate in the viewing of "The Hunting Ground," a recent documentary dealing with the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. The event was a part of the *WILL lecture series on justice. In watching the film, students engaged in a moment of solidarity, and are certainly still looking for answers to this ongoing issue.
(01/27/16 5:27pm)
Nothing excites college students more than a snow day.
(01/16/16 3:43pm)
If you’ve been keeping up with recent news, then you probably heard about the Mexican drug lord “El Chapo,” who was recently apprehended in a military raid. The raid, which can be viewed online, was conducted by the Mexican military, purportedly under the supervision of American law-enforcement agencies.
(11/19/15 1:55am)
Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston and most recently Umpqua are the sites of some of the most infamous mass shootings in American history. Year by year, this list continues to grow. When will it stop?
(11/17/15 9:52pm)
Jacqueline Mone, junior studying abroad in Madrid who was visiting Paris when the attacks took place.
(10/19/15 3:43pm)
The biannual Richmond Restaurant Week is happening from Oct. 19-25, and there are definitely some restaurants that you will want to visit.
(10/06/15 5:30pm)
My hand was raised, my body half-way out of my back-row seat, when Gov. John Kasich finally acknowledged me.
(09/22/15 8:40pm)
The process of establishing a phone or Internet connection for a foreigner in India is a more complicated one than I originally thought it would be, and like the other American students I am travelling here with, I was initially unaware of all the necessary documentation requirements. Even with the assistance of our program director, several students had to make multiple visits to the store before their basic cell phones became functional.
(09/18/15 2:55pm)
When I tell people that I’m from the United States Virgin Islands, the unequivocal response is, “Wow! That’s so cool! Um, where is that exactly?” usually followed by a statement about how awesome it must have been to grow up in paradise. For many, anywhere in the Caribbean is synonymous with paradise. The irony is that the “United States” tacked on to the beginning of my “Virgin Islands” means that I am a US citizen; I carry a US passport. Yet many US citizens have either never heard of my home. Or if they have heard of the USVI, they have no idea where the islands are located. Still others just link the Caribbean with Jamaica, although there are literally thousands of islands in the Caribbean chain.
(09/17/15 4:35pm)
Confession: I have been a profiteer of political correctness. During my time as a high school debater, I argued for a wide range of feminist ideologies in debates where they were only loosely tied to the topic. When my opponents would counter by questioning the relevance of my points, I would dismiss their arguments as sexist and silencing. I can vividly recall saying, “How dare you as a white male tell me what I can and can’t say in this debate space? How dare you try to silence me?”
(08/27/15 2:11pm)
1. Your health
(08/15/15 7:31pm)
Welcome new Spiders! We are so excited to have you on campus for your first semester. Here are some helpful hints we wish we knew about Richmond when we were on your position:
(04/26/15 7:00pm)
In the next few weeks, the nation's college students will take part in the uphill battle known as finals week. Finals are a test of the cumulative knowledge accrued in a semester of blood, sweat and tears. To some they are a very real threat to a successful future, but to many they are the last leg in the marathon that is the semesterly workload.
(12/06/14 3:59am)
10 original and not-so-original ways to stay sane during finals
(12/06/14 1:56am)
No matter what it is, it is your civic responsibility to develop an informed opinion about the threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and what the United States should do about it. As our generation begins to enter the “real world,” the decisions being made about ISIS today will affect us for years to come. I am not telling you what to think about ISIS, I am saying to think about ISIS. If you are ill-informed now, then you will have no right to complain about the outcome in the future. Our generation is one that cannot be silenced, and being informed is the first step.
(12/04/14 8:48pm)
What does a group of people do when a figure that has been given the sole responsibility to protect them does just the opposite? What happens when an authority figure abuses his/her power, and the trust between the people and those who protect them is broken? Normally, the answer would be for the community to voice their concerns and call for the removal of said authority figure. This should indeed be the case, but throw into this mix a history of mistreatment and racial issues and you have the case in Ferguson, Missouri.
(11/11/14 6:12pm)
This week, Taylor Swift made the bold move to remove all her songs from Spotify, a platform that allows users to pay a minimal monthly fee for the advertisement-free streaming music service. Other frustrated artists are looking to follow Swift’s lead. Such a strategy might be problematic.
(11/06/14 6:52pm)
The U.S. added yet another mark to its list of mass-shootings at the end of October when Jaylen Fryberg opened fire in his high school cafeteria in a small town in Washington state. The freshman killed a fellow classmate and injured four others before taking his own life.