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(04/21/11 4:32am)
Reading about the lecture given by Dr. Gilfoyle at UR, about nuclear weapons and the Conventional Test Ban Treaty, one particular statement stood out as particularly polemic in nature: "To be a good citizen and vote... you should care [about the CTBT]." As someone who may or may not be considered a good citizen, yet is unquestionably an active voter, let me offer my thoughts.
(04/14/11 7:51am)
It's that time of year again. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the emails from the Senior Class Gift Committee are the only things more obnoxious than the pollen.
(04/14/11 7:43am)
Allow me to preface this by saying that by and large, I have enjoyed attending the University of Richmond. However, somewhere along my journey from a lowly freshman to a mediocre senior, I have come to notice a number of things that make me resent the administration at Richmond to the point that I will not be donating to the senior class fund -- and I would advise my classmates to consider doing the same.
(04/14/11 7:33am)
I will be the first to admit I'm an amateur. I have risked nothing as a journalist but my own insecurity when it comes to the awkwardness of phrasing emails, conducting phone interviews and fidgeting through face-to-face interactions. And frankly, I have absolutely no desire to risk anything more.
(04/14/11 7:04am)
It's hard to believe that it has been almost four years since we first gathered in the Robins Center as the class of 2011. We arrived from different states and countries, bringing a wide variety of personalities and backgrounds to this campus.
(04/14/11 6:38am)
In one of my classes the teacher asked us to come up with a slogan that represented our generation. The room fell silent until someone half jokingly said something about ignorance. People contributed a smattering of other ideas but the first really stuck out to me, and suddenly I started to realize: It's the sad truth.
(04/14/11 6:27am)
Ahhh, hello there Richmonders. This weekend was nothing if not a true display of Richmond's prudent and pragmatic character. Rage, rage, rage downtown Thursday, show up to your Friday classes smelling like vodka and bad decisions, take a nap before Flo Rida on Friday, (giving you a full four hours of sleep/recovery) before THE ROAST on Saturday, the post roast on Saturday night and the detox on Sunday full of regret, carbs and in extreme cases, a Plan-B. True Life: Pig Roast weekend. Here are some of the bests and worsts:
(04/14/11 6:21am)
It could not have been a more beautiful night on Monday, April 4, 2011. Around 300 students and faculty gathered in the Forum for Take Back the Night, a place free from sexual assault and abuse where men and women "shatter the silence."
(04/14/11 6:00am)
Q:How do you feel the Lenten season influences student social behavior on campus?
(04/07/11 5:11am)
There's something about a job interview that is a lot like a first date. Correct name pronunciations are still being disentangled by the tongue. Hometown and hobbies are still being explored with half-artificial curiosity. The questioned person is struggling to focus more on what he or she is saying rather than on whether to look his or her interrogator directly or from a more attractive angle.
(04/07/11 5:08am)
Texting is a tricky, tricky thing. I'd go as far as to say that it is one of the most important skills to acquire as a socially functioning college student. Whether you're crafting your average friend text or you are feeling a bit more romantically inclined, it seems like the most important things about texts aren't even the words, but the way you go about crafting your proposition and how long it takes you to do so (or how long you consciously decide to take as to not appear needy to members of the opposite sex).
(04/07/11 5:04am)
Once upon a time, there was an underground fraternity known as Pike.
(04/06/11 5:25am)
The time has come and gone for returning study abroad students to phase out the super awesome my-study-abroad-was-better-than-your-study-abroad stories that governed every bit of conversation for the first few months of the year and replace them with boring, normal Richmond talk. Somehow, returning students are able to work their study abroad days into any conversation, no matter the topic. Don't get me wrong, I did it, and if you haven't, you will too.
(03/31/11 3:19am)
Last October Dr. Pauline Chen published an article, "Medical Student Distress and the Risk of Doctor Suicide," in The New York Times about suicide rates among physicians and medical students.
(03/31/11 3:11am)
So this has been a pretty rough week for the ladies of 905. There's been quite a bit of comfort eating (bags and bags of chocolate Easter eggs), a lot of late night pillow talking, significant amounts of girl-on-girl cuddling and a few tears (per second).
(03/31/11 2:58am)
Alright, so let's clear things up here: I'm no longer an employee of The Collegian. I loved my time on staff, but during my last four weeks of college, I'm excited to be able to spill my opinions and reflections without having any of the constraints of a Collegian staffer or editor. As such, I will be brutally honest, occasionally self-serving and probably controversial in my columns during the next few weeks, so I hope you read, relate to and respond to them.
(03/31/11 1:31am)
Question: Based on recent news coverage, how well did Geraldine Ferraro pave the way for future women leaders?
(03/24/11 4:59am)
In the last edition of The Collegian, opinion editor Liz Monahan asked: "What do we really learn in college?"
(03/24/11 4:58am)
As I sat at the head of a long table tucked away in the corner of Mom's Siam Thai restaurant, I looked at the young, happy people at my table and couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly drunk. I had not had any alcohol at this point; rather, I was completely and utterly love drunk. I was surrounded by my closest friends at this school and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of affection for all of them. I also couldn't help but laugh because more than half of them were Collegian staff.
(03/24/11 3:09am)
It always seems that my best writing occurs after two in the morning. I'm not sure why. Maybe a science major could explain it to me. But I've been meaning to write to The Collegian for the last three and a half years and never got around to it. Now seems as good a time as any, before all the other seniors start getting nostalgic and hogging the space in April.