Letter: from WAY outside the closet
As an openly gay male on this campus, my experiences are certainly different from those of closeted homosexuals.
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As an openly gay male on this campus, my experiences are certainly different from those of closeted homosexuals.
Students, faculty and alumni have discovered a place to play games and sports besides the Weinstein Recreation and Wellness Center or the Intramural fields - a place that even has a lake twice the size of Westhampton Lake.
Contact staff writers Maria Ribas at mariaelisa.ribas@richmond.edu or Maggie Finucane at margaretfinucane@richmond.edu
The men's soccer team officially opened its season with two losses this weekend, but with a new coach, a new home field and a new attitude, players said they hoped it would be a turn-around year for the program.
Contact staff writers Maria Ribas at mariaelisa.ribas@richmond.edu or Maggie Finucane at margaretfinucane@richmond.edu
The parking lot across from the Jepson Alumni Center was speckled with gay pride and anti-prejudice paraphernalia on Aug. 25, as the Student Alliance for Sexual Diversity led two protests opposing The Family Foundation of Virginia's use of university facilities.
In a two-year span, Michael Vick has gone from one of the fastest quarterbacks in the league, to an abuser of animals, and now holds a quarterback position with the Philadelphia Eagles.
The Rev. Craig Kocher is a Chapel Hill, N.C., native, a charismatic minister and a sports fan who wants to become the next chaplain for the University of Richmond.
The first of two candidates for the university's chaplain position spoke to about 60 students, faculty and alumni Tuesday afternoon, citing his vision for the chaplaincy as a place where all students would feel welcomed and supported.
To the Editor:
A Richmond alumnus and professor from Northwestern University who on Friday was offered the dean's position at the Robins School of Business has declined because of financial considerations.
The University of Richmond has begun to take steps toward fostering a more inclusive community for sexual and gender minorities on campus. Frustrated by our persistent marginalization and invisibility on campus, organizations representing sexual and gender minorities have begun to reinvigorate themselves and, in the process, have cultivated campus-wide enthusiasm for their efforts.
Richmond junior catcher Evan Stehle entered the game in a 1-7 slump, but came out of it in a big way to help lift the University of Richmond baseball team to a 5-4 victory over Duquesne University.