The Collegian
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Field hockey on three game win streak after overtime win against Temple

Sophomore midfielder Avery Russell's shot in overtime secured a 3-2 win for the Spiders. Courtesy of Richmond Athletics.
Sophomore midfielder Avery Russell's shot in overtime secured a 3-2 win for the Spiders. Courtesy of Richmond Athletics.

The University of Richmond field hockey team won its match against Temple University 3-2 on Sunday. 

Redshirt junior goalkeeper Kristen Rake was challenged within the first few minutes of the game when Temple's offense attempted three shots. This did not discourage the Spiders, as sophomore midfielder Clara Larripa scored the first goal of the game a mere five minutes later, marking her fifth of the season. 

UR stole a pass at the top of the circle six minutes in, which led to a penalty corner for Temple. Rake was able to make the save on the Owls’ attempt, but a few seconds later, Temple’s offense shot again and tied the score.

Junior midfielder Madelyn Curtis drew a penalty corner shot 11 minutes into the game, where Larripa clinched an opportunity to score. This advantage didn’t last very long, and just barely over a minute later Temple fired past Rake during another penalty corner, tying the game. 

Larripa started the action in the second period with a shot attempt. Later on, a green card penalty was called on the Spiders, but it ended up having no effect on the score. Temple attempted two more shots before the period concluded.

Early on during the third period, Temple drew a failed penalty corner shot against Rake. Less than a minute later, Temple took another penalty corner shot that was, again, saved by Rake. A little while later, UR drew its own penalty corner that also came up unsuccessful. The period ended with another green card called on the Spiders. 

During the fourth period, both UR and Temple received green cards, but neither team was able to capitalize off of them. When the last minute of the period hit, both teams scrambled to break the tie and win. A save by Rake in the last 45 seconds of the game kept UR alive and brought the game to overtime.

During overtime, sophomore midfielder Avery Russell made a shot three minutes in that gave the Spiders a 3-2 win. 

“It was a team effort and they played with a lot of grit,” UR Head Coach Martu Loncarica said. “It was a very composed and very tactical game, and I’m proud of them because they managed to stick to the game plan and put a lot of effort into what they were doing. When overtime hit, I had a pretty good feeling.”

The Spiders play their next game on September 13 at 5 p.m. on Crenshaw field. 

Contact sports writer Erica Rogers at

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