The Collegian
Friday, October 18, 2024

Another win added to the Women's basketball record after defeating Longwood University.

<p><em>Guard sophomore Siobhan Ryan lead the Spiders' game against Longwood on Dec. 15 with 24 points. Picture courtesy of Richmond Athletics.</em></p>

Guard sophomore Siobhan Ryan lead the Spiders' game against Longwood on Dec. 15 with 24 points. Picture courtesy of Richmond Athletics.

The Spiders women’s basketball team defeated the Longwood University Lancers 83-70 at their home court Willett Hall in Farmville, Virginia. 

In the first quarter after a missed layup by the Lancers, sophomore guard Grace Towsend assisted sophomore guard Siobhan Ryan with a three-pointer and sophomore forward Addie Budnik with a layup. 

Longwood tied the score with a three and a layup of their own. Ryan broke the tie with her second three of the game and Townsend securing her third assist. 

Longwood took the lead after a three-pointer and jump shot but Ryan tied the score with a layup. Senior forward Emma Squires followed seconds later with another layup giving Richmond the lead.

Ryan scored her third three-pointer following a Longwood layup breaking another tie. With 1:29 on the clock and the score tied 15-15, Squires broke the tie with a free throw, and senior guard Kate Klimkiewicz secured the lead with a three-pointer and a final second layup. 

“Offensively we did get some huge stops and some key moments,” Coach Aaron Roussell said. “I thought when we got those stops we did turn into easy transition baskets, that's us.”

In the second quarter, Klimkiewicz went two for two with free throws, following a foul by Longwood. Squires and senior guard Claire Holt shot back-to-back three-pointers giving Richmond a nine-point lead. Holt was also fouled and went two for two with FTs, and Klimkiewicz scored a layup following Longwood putting up five points against the Spiders.  

In the final two minutes, Ryan scored a layup with Longwood following with a three-pointer. First-year guard Sydney Boone responded with a three and with 0:06 left on the clock, Ryan scored another layup securing an 11 point lead to end the first half. 

In the third quarter, Richmond went 13-13 for FTs following a series of fouls by Longwood. 

Ryan started the Spiders with a layup marking her 17th point of the game. First-year forward Cayla Williams scored a layup and an FT adding another three points to the scoreboard and Ryan scored a layup with an assist from Budnik bringing the score to 47-31. 

Klimkiewicz was fouled and two for two with FTs, Williams followed with a three. 

After Klimkiewicz stole the ball from Longwood and was fouled again, she went two for two with free throws marking her 13th point of the game. Budnik and Klimkiewicz were both fouled and went two for two for FTs. 

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With 5:05 on the clock, Squires was fouled and went two for two. After a four-minute period of no success for the Spiders, Budnik scored a layup, marking her 6th point of the game. Ryan followed with two for two FTs, hitting 21 points this game. With 0:00 on the clock, senior guard Madelyn Neff scored a layup, ending the quarter 66-55. 

In the last quarter, Budnik was fouled and went one for two with free throws. Townsend gained her fourth assist when Budnik scored a layup marking her nine of 11 points of the game.

Ryan and Klimkiewicz had back-to-back threes marking their respective 24th and 18th points. With 2:32 on the clock, Williams scored her 8th point with a layup after stealing the ball from the Lancers and brought the score to 80-66. 

With eight seconds left on the clock, Squires scored the final points and her 10th point with a layup, the final score 83-70. 

“I like where we are headed, I thought we were really really good defensively,” Roussell said.

The Richmond Spiders will play again at 12 p.m. against Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida for the FAU Holiday Classic. 

Contact sports co-editor Andrew Cardounel at

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