The Collegian
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Greek life associate director, coordinator step down from Center for Student Involvement

<p>Meg Pevarski, director of Greek life, receiving her award from the national Kappa Alpha Order. <em>Photo courtesy of the national Kappa Alpha Order's Facebook page.</em></p>

Meg Pevarski, director of Greek life, receiving her award from the national Kappa Alpha Order. Photo courtesy of the national Kappa Alpha Order's Facebook page.

Meg Pevarski, associate director of Greek life, and Lisa McCoy, coordinator for sorority and fraternity life, stepped down from their positions with the University of Richmond's Center for Student Involvement this spring. 

During her eight years at UR, Pevarski worked in close contact with fraternity and sorority life as both the assistant and associate director of Greek life. She advised the fraternities and sororities, managed recruitment, organized standard of excellence workshops and oversaw risk management. 

The Kappa Alpha Order National Headquarters presented Pevarski with the Greek Adviser of the Year award in 2017 for her work with UR's chapter of KA. She also helped lead the University Staff Advisory Council from 2017 to 2019 and served on the Health and Well-being Task Force subcommittee in recent years. 

Pevarski reflected on her time at UR in an interview with The Collegian, particularly relating to her work with Greek life. 

"I am proud of the work that I've done -- especially in fraternity and sorority life -- but I think I've taken it about as far as I can go," Pevarski said. "I think it's also time to let someone else take a stab at it."

The main reason Pevarski stepped down from her position, however, is that she was ready for something new that would allow for more flexibility, she said. 

Pevarski is continuing her professional career in the learning and development department at Green Dot, a financial firm, where she can continue working in education and training, she said. 

Lisa McCoy, who served as coordinator for fraternity and sorority life at UR for two years, stepped down from her position with CSI in May, Director of CSI Alison Keller said. The Collegian was unable to reach McCoy for comment. 

"[Pevarski and McCoy] brought considerable experience to the program and opportunities, approaches and tremendous one-on-one and leadership development within those groups," Keller said.

Keller did not say whether CSI would bring on one or two new employees to replace Pevarski and McCoy. 

"We will look for somebody who is qualified, ... so that the community does not lose out in any way shape or form," Keller said.

Interfraternity Council President William Bartnett, one of the many students Pevarski worked with, said Pevarski had helped him embrace his role and reach his full potential in Greek life leadership. 

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"She was an adviser to me in terms of being a leader and helping me think about how to tackle challenges," Bartnett said of Pevarski. "She was really good with leadership challenges in terms of communicating and motivating the rest of my team."

Bartnett spoke to Pevarski's impact on Greek life and his own life during her time at UR. 

"Meg was really supportive, and she was really committed to making Greek Life live up to its potential," Bartnett said. "I think she held people to a really high standard and expected a lot of them, and I think that certainly rubbed off on me."

Although CSI has not announced plans to fill Pevarski and McCoy's positions, Barnett hopes UR will hire someone who is willing to be part of the community and engage and listen to students, he said. 

He also sees a need for the new staff to be able to understand how modern Greek life fits in on campus and will know how to lead Greek life in a healthy, durable direction that has positive effects on the campus community, Bartnett said. 

Pevarski is grateful for the relationships she built with students and staff, she said, and she was thankful for everyone who trusted her and challenged her while working for UR.  

"I hope my impact is more about who I am as a person and how I contributed to making Richmond a better place, even though I know we have a lot more potential," she said.

Contact copy chief Maddy Richard at

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