The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Q&A with Tyler Kirchoff

Q: When did you first start playing football?

A: "My first team was coached by my dad when I was in third grade."

Q: What has been your biggest accomplishment so far this season?

A: "Earning more playing time to help contribute to wins has been one of my biggest accomplishments, along with the game against Coastal Carolina where I scored four rushing touchdowns and had over 100 rushing yards. "

Q: What are your goals for the season?

A: "I usually set really high goals for myself so that I can try to achieve the best I can be, such as rushing over 100 yards in a game."

Q: What have been some of the team goals this season?

A: "We always aim to win the conference championship and of course, a national title. We've had some tough spots this season with injuries, so we're taking it one game at a time. We're still in a position to do some special things."

Q: What can you see yourself doing after graduation?

A: "I haven't given up on giving football a shot post-graduation, but with the degrees I have, I plan to pursue finance. I'm not sure whether I want to focus on trading or investment banking yet"

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