The Collegian
Saturday, September 07, 2024

Media Timeout: 4/8/2010

• During West Virginia University's Final Four game against Duke University, star-senior Da'Sean Butler injured his knee on a drive to the basket. Coach Bob Huggins then crouched next to the injured Mountaineer in a heartfelt effort to comfort him. Perhaps too heartfelt, as the sequence then went from an awww moment to an awwwkward one when Huggins gradually got closer and closer to his fallen player, even throwing a few ginger cheek caresses in for good measure. Luckily, an assistant coach was present to inform Huggins that a knee injury did not require mouth-to-mouth.

• Former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb signed with the Washington Redskins Tuesday, after the Skins traded two draft picks. McNabb's mama, Wilma, can now serve the "braves on a war path" that Campbell's Chunky soup in Ol' D.C. all the time.

• The University of Connecticut's women's basketball team completed what no other women's college basketball team has been able to do: win back-to-back NCAA championships, win 78 consecutive games during two seasons and consistently have more supporters than its men's team. UConn and the University of Tennessee battle it out season after season to see which gender's team will draw more of a crowd. Girl power!

• President Obama threw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals home opener Wednesday. The throw was terrible, sailing, as he described generously, "a little high and inside." Later that night, Obama took off the Nationals jacket and threw three straight down the middle.

Contact staff writers Amelia Vogler and Brenton Lewis at and

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