The Collegian
Sunday, March 09, 2025


Well, University of Richmond, it's time. On March 25, which is the date of the next Collegian issue because of spring break, The Collegian will have its next news editor, and I will hand over the reigns. I will have a Rice Report, but I wanted to say a few final words before doing introductions.

First, I would like to say thank you. I have received a lot of support and kind words from those I've interviewed, as well as those who read The Collegian. It is satisfying to know that people are reading The Collegian and learning about their community. I would also like to thank my fellow Collegian staff. Working for The Collegian has been a great experience and I am going to miss it, and you, dearly.

Second, I would like to encourage everyone to either keep reading or get started. As a journalism major, I have learned a lot about grammar, style and writing, but the most important lesson has been to stay informed. Those who have the right to freedom of the press should take advantage of it and be informed citizens who can be actively involved in their community and government.

That being said, I know a lot of modern news organizations are not satisfying your need for news that is relevant or objective. If that is the case, I recommend becoming even more involved and letting those in power know that their methods are not making them money and that they are not doing their job of informing. It's one thing to sit and complain about the news, and another thing to try to do something about it. Having worthwhile news is important enough that it is worth your time.

My next piece of advice is for students: Get involved in the university community. I'm not saying that you should join more clubs or take on more leadership roles. I am saying that you should attend events sponsored by groups other than your own. Talk to people who have been on this campus longer than you've been alive. You would be amazed to find out what is happening on this campus and how much you can gain without having to do any work. You can sit and listen and participate with no commitments or stress. The best way to find out what to do is to read your SpiderBytes.

I also can't be a real college student without making some suggestions to the administration: Talk to students. Yes, we like to complain. We're pretty good at it. But we also have some good ideas, and a lot of legitimate ones, about how to change things to make the university, and the world in general, a better place. Students need to listen to the administration and faculty to figure out what happened in the past that did or didn't work. Administration and faculty need to listen to students to hear those fresh ideas and passionate pursuits that have led to so much good change.

I'm not sure exactly how all of this can be accomplished, but I think it starts with treating other people like human beings. It sounds like a simple concept, but a lot of people seem to forget that everyone is a person who deserves to be treated as if he/she is a human, even if you don't like, agree with or see him/her. Whether you are saying something, writing something or simply ignoring someone, remember that you are talking about and to people.

The University of Richmond has been a place where I could grow, develop and learn, and I know that it will stay that way long after I'm gone. Keep up the great work and if you ignore the rest of my advice, read The Collegian!

Contact news editor Stephanie Rice at

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