Dear Sally,
There's this one girl who is ALWAYS in my face. Whenever we're at a party together she won't leave me alone and refuses to take a hint that I'm not interested. I hate to be rude about it, but I really need her to back off ... what should I say?
- Girl-in-my-grill
Dear Girl-in-my-grill,
People who can't take a hint in any situation can be a major source of harrassment. The important thing to keep in mind though, no matter how much they might incite you to exasperation, is to play it cool. This campus is small, and if you alienate one chick, you can bet her whole group of friends will hear about it and shoot death-ray stares at you at every encounter. Although normally I'm all for honesty and open communication, in this situation the best tactic is the dodge-and-distract. If you're in
the same room as her, avoid being in a situation where she can corner you or chat you up. Move around the party to avoid being around her too often, and she might just have a lightbulb moment if she notices you keep slinking away. The last resort is to establish her in The Friendzone. Casually mention someone else you're digging, as if you consider her a good enough pal to be your wingwoman. This may seem harsh, but remember that you're not doing anyone any favors by starting up something you're not actually into.
Inept at getting action or unsure about STDs? E-mail Sally anonymously at
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