(414): So I just took my car to get gas and guess what I found under the mats?! A lime. But even better, your credit card!
(311): Crazy bob just looked in the direction of my feet, still can't be bothered to make eye contact.
(614): I'm not a coug. And neither are you!! I set you up with a freshman and you acted like a kitten
(209): Can you clean up the spilled cocktails and vomit from the back of my car? I have to pick up my grandparents from the airport.
(347): whether you're in Nashville or Los Angeles all parties in the USA are similar
(921): Whoaa she friended me
(732): you probably slutted on her at some point in a blacked out state
Have outrageous texts from last night? Send them to us at: texthallofshame @gmail.com
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