(347): last night some international dude told me I made out with him on thursday then asked me to "kiss and touch lips like thursday" at the kappa sig lodge. I politely declined.
(380): Text me when you get back
(212): worst american ever!
(410): I also tried to call a taxi home from X lot because I was convinced I was dying of overexposure to the rain.
(302): Anyone home? Can I come get my boobs?
(412): we can compose a regression analysis and compare the effects of slutty costumes versus scary costumes on the ability to get ass. the control can be alcohol
(203): 2 Questions- 1. What happened last night? I blacked out and literally have no recollection of my nite. 2. What is candy corn made of?
Have outrageous texts from last night? Send them to us at: texthallofshame @gmail.com
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