The Collegian
Thursday, December 12, 2024

Text hall of shame

(434): Just bought mad dogs and lottery tickets wearing tuxedos

(203): ... its not even noon yet.

(267): let's hook up. and i kno, you are gonna read this and be like whaaa, but stop being lame and come kiss me. you live right next door for christ's sake.

(859): I heard that he was cute and that the condom broke

(540): Jesus, was there a spiderbyte?

(651): I kind of want to talk to that kid right now. Either I was really drunk or he was really hot.

(610): What are you doing right now?

(845): Look, I'm not going to sleep with you

(212): I wsnrt to go to. The reoom anf get a bit of alcohol..... Do u wabt somw

(804): Thanks for throwing beer on me.

(203): Ya, sorry sorry I didn't realize you were allergic to beer.

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