Dear Sally,
My boyfriend from high school and I decided to stay together even though we chose different schools. But then freshman year happened and it's just too hard to be missing him all the time. What's the best way to break up with him without making him think I don't like him anymore?
- Long-distance and Lonely
Dear Lonely,
Long-distance breakups are always rough - you still like each other, but, realistically, it's just not working. The most important thing is to make sure you break it off before something regrettable happens that could lead to even bigger heartbreak. I'm sure your boy's been struggling with the separation too, so try to gently explain that you think it would be best for both of you. Assure him you'll still be close friends, and actually follow through with this. There isn't much you can say to make it less sucky for both of you. So the best you can do is talk it out, give him some time to think it through and be there when he's ready to be friends. Bummer, I know, but try to remember that it's the right thing to do.
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