The Collegian
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Letter: STDs, the other reasons to glove up the love

Although I was pleased to see the article "No Glove, no love: let's seal the deal" by Kiara Lee on Sept. 24, I felt some important information was lacking.

It's common knowledge that condoms, especially when used in conjunction with some other form of birth control such as the Pill, can drastically reduce the chances of pregnancy. But condoms are necessary for more than ensuring that you're not paying child support for the next 18 years. Condoms can play an important role in halting the spread of STDs.

According to Planned Parenthood's Web site, latex condoms can prevent not only pregnancy, but also HIV, chlamydia, hepatitis B, syphilis and a host of other diseases. When you put on a condom, you're not just protecting your partner from potential infection, you're protecting yourself.

So you and your partner say you're both clean? That's great, but you may not be as clean as you think. About one in four Americans has genital herpes, and many don't even know it. The virus can be present without ever causing symptoms. Skin-to-skin contact is all that's needed to transmit the virus. Condoms can help keep you safe, because guess what? They help prevent herpes, too.

It's important to remember that many STDs are currently without cures. Even though people can and do live with them, the cost of medicine is exorbitant. People with HIV can expect to pay an enormous amount of money for medicine that can help slow the progress of HIV into AIDS, and the stigma that comes with being HIV positive means that you may never have sex again. Ever. Is that really the price you want to pay for a few moments of pleasure?

I'm not saying sex is bad or unnatural or unhealthy -- quite the opposite. But pregnancy is only one possible outcome of sex.

It's important to keep yourself safe, and to keep your partner safe. It's more than important: It's your responsibility as a sexually active adult. So just wear it, OK?

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