The sound of "Original Copy," the ninth CD by the Octaves, is smooth and clean. There is nothing scratchy or raw about the album. The group is polished, but not to the point where they sound inhuman.
"Original Copy" begins with "Take On Me," a reinterpreted version of Ah-ha's classic 1980s song. And from there, the group moves seamlessly through not-as-known songs such as "Everything is Everything," to a country song to the Destiny's Child's hit "Bills, Bills, Bills."
"Original Copy" shows the group members versatility in 42 minutes, and the singers perfect multiple genres while still sounding like the same group. Songs that really stand out are the ones that aren't as popular on the radio or songs that the group has made its own by veering from the original.
Eric Rudofker, the Octave's music director, first heard "Everything is Everything" on a French radio station, he said. The song has its own genre-less sound and all the layers and different voices work together.
Also, "Ticks" is a less-country take on Brad Paisley's hit, and is a version that might be better than the original. It is one of the most carefree songs on the CD and isn't overdone.
While listening to "Original Copy" for the first time, it took me a few songs in to realize that there were no instruments; I completely forgot it was a cappella. The "doos" and daahs" weren't abrasive, unlike some a cappella I've heard.
Some of the songs have been in the works for two to three years, said Lee Jablow, the Octaves' president. The group recorded the CD during a few weekends in a studio in Charlottesville, Va. David Sperandio mixes and produces the songs for the Octaves in Durham, N.C.
"He takes our voices and processes them to sound the way they do," Rudofker said.
Contact staff writer Alexandra Varipapa at
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